Born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I packed my things and headed up to New England, where I am a Senior Designer at Wide Eye, and an adjunct at Simmons University.
Previously, I served as Design Director at AIGA Boston, and designed and illustrated for Digitas, Wavelength Strategy, Elizabeth Warren, Michelle Wu, Sunrise Movement, and I maintain a small comics practice in my apartment, where I draw about doing nothing with my cats.
I like making sure that everyone is getting enough sleep. It’s good to dream.
Procrastination Kit #1 for SpaceUs
Commute for Glimpse Glow, The Blue Collection
MICE Expo 2018-2019, Boston MA
Women’s Zine Fest, Boston MA
Small Press Expo 2019, Bethesda MD
CAKE Chicago 2019, Chicago IL
New Zineland, Boston MA
In Thought for Brouillons Fanzine, Issue 4
Fried Egg on Rice for Mooneaters Collective, Issue 3
Need a hand?
Insta: @midorikoa
LinkedIn: /midorikoa
CV upon request